root / src / app / home / home.component.html @ 25220fd6
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Use the NavigationButton as a side-drawer button in Android
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because ActionItems are shown on the right side of the ActionBar
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<NavigationButton ios:visibility="collapsed" icon="res://menu" (tap)="onDrawerButtonTap()"></NavigationButton> |
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Use the ActionItem for IOS with position set to left. Using the
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NavigationButton as a side-drawer button in iOS is not possible,
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because its function is to always navigate back in the application.
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<ActionItem icon="res://menu" android:visibility="collapsed" (tap)="onDrawerButtonTap()" ios.position="left"> |
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<Label text="ClicAlbum"></Label> |
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<GridLayout class="page__content" columns="*"> |
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<StackLayout row="0" orientation="vertical" padding="10"> |
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<Label text="1. Prenez une photo ou choisissez-en une de votre galerie" class="label" textAlignment="left" autocorrect="true"></Label> |
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<GridLayout columns="*,*"> |
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<Button id="btnTakePicture" col="0" text="Appareil photo" (tap)='onTakePictureTap($event)' padding="10" class="-primary"></Button> |
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<Button id="btnGetPictureFromRoll" col="1" text="Galerie" (tap)='onGetPictureFromRollTap($event)' padding="10" class="-primary"></Button> |
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<Label text="2. Donnez un nom à cette photo" class="label" textAlignment="left" autocorrect="true"></Label> |
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<TextField id="label" hint="" secure="false" maxLength="50"> |
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<Label text="2.bis Un petit descriptif si vous voulez" class="legende" textAlignment="left" autocorrect="true"></Label> |
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<TextView id="legende" hint="" autocorrect="true" maxLength="512" secure="false" [text]="legende"> |
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<Label text="3. Entrez le nom de l'album collaboratif" class="label" textAlignment="left"></Label> |
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<TextField id="album" [text]="album" hint="" secure="false" maxLength="50" (blur)="onBlur($event)"> |
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<Label text="4. Entrez le mot de passe de l'album (si nécessaire)" class="label" textAlignment="left"></Label> |
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<TextField id="albumPass" [text]="albumPass" hint="" secure="false" maxLength="50" (blur)="onBlur($event)"> |
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<Label text="5. Envoyez la photo sur le serveur" class="label" textAlignment="left"></Label> |
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<Button id="btnSendPicture" text="Envoyer la photo" (tap)='onSendPictureTap($event)' padding="10" class="-primary" [isEnabled]="hasPicture"></Button> |
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<Label text="6. Regardez l'album sur https://{{serverURI}}/{{album}}" class="label" textAlignment="left"></Label> |
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<Button id="btnGotoWeb" text="Aller sur https://{{serverURI}}/{{album}}" (tap)='onGotoWebTap($event)' padding="10" class="-primary"></Button> |
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<ActivityIndicator id="busyIndicator" [busy]="isBusy" (busyChange)="onBusyChanged($event)"></ActivityIndicator> |
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<Image [src]="cameraImage" stretch="aspectFit" margin="10"></Image> |
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